Program Purpose:
*To offer a financial incentive to commercial property owners or tenants within the Eagle River Business Improvement District (BID) to improve their property.
*To improve the exterior and/or interior condition of commercial buildings within the BID.
*To enhance the appearance of Eagle River businesses, improve the business climate, and maintain and maximize property values in the BID.
Program Description:
Commercial property owners and business tenants within the BID are eligible for up to $2,000 in matching grant funds for exterior façade improvements and/or interior systems or appearance improvements made to their building. The Eagle River Revitalization Program will reimburse the property owner or tenant for up to 50% of the expense, up to a maximum of $2,000, for eligible projects. Eligible applicants may receive only one grant award with a five year time frame unless a waiver is granted by the Revitalization program Board of Directors (the Board).
Eligible Applicants:
The Building Improvement Grant Program is available to any commercial property within the Eagle River Business Improvement District (the City Limits). However, the program was created with retail properties in mind and program guidelines emphasize retail businesses. Any application by a tenant will require the property owner’s written consent.
Eligible Projects:
*Exterior façade enhancements like lighting, siding, awnings, trim or windows. (For signs, a separate sign grant program is available. See the Sign Grant program for details.)
*Interior building improvements like lighting, heating or air conditioning, carpeting, wall coverings, fixtures and other permanent, non-movable systems.
*The project must comply with all applicable City of Eagle River and State of Wisconsin laws, ordinances, rules and building codes.
*For each project, the following elements will be considered by the Board:
-will the grant provide a true incentive for a property owner to undertake the project.
-will the project improve the condition and/or enhance the appearance of the building rather than simply make routine maintenance or cosmetic changes.
-will the project complement the existing building and surrounding buildings.
-will the project improve the appearance and enhance the character of the City.
-will the project respect the historical, architectural and physical context of the building.
Application Process:
*A completed application and the required attachments may be submitted at any time during the year.
*Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis and grants will be awarded to eligible applicants following Committee and Board review while funds are available.
*The Board may reduce a grant request amount for budgetary or any other reason(s), or may defer an award until new program funding becomes available.
*The Board has complete discretion to deny any application for any reason(s).
*Applicants will be notified of approval/denial within 45 days of application.
*A project must be approved prior to any work taking place.
*All projects must be completed within 90 days of grant approval unless an extension is approved by the Board.
*Appropriate documentation, such as invoices, must be submitted upon completion of the project before grant monies are awarded.
For additional information contact:
Karen Margelofsky, Executive Director
Eagle River Revitalization Program Inc.
P.O. Box 2302, 525 E. Maple Street (City Hall)
Eagle River, WI 54521